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Important Information & Dates - Lone Star State Bank

Welcome to Prosperity Bank. Here you will find important information along with the schedule of the merger.


Important Information

As we transition Lone Star customers to Propsierty Bank, below you will find helpful information related to your accounts including important cutoff and conversion dates, banking center relocations, and more. 

Important Information
Checking & Savings Accounts

Statements: A final statement from Lone Star State Bank will be provided as of Friday, October 25, 2024, showing all posted transactions since your previous statement. Your first Prosperity Bank statement will be in a new format and will include posted transactions after your final Lone Star State Bank statement on Friday, October 25, 2024, through your normal statement period. This and future statements will include any interest and applicable service fees and will be as of a date like what you are now accustomed to.

Account Numbers: Unless notified, your current account number will remain the same. If your account number changes, you will be notified by letter. Please keep in mind that the bank’s routing/transit number will change to 113122655 on Monday, October 28, 2024.

Electronic Funds: Transfers (including direct deposit) will continue to be processed without interruption. Please use the new routing/transit number when setting up any new Electronic Funds Transfers after Monday, October 28, 2024.

Checks: You may continue to use your current Lone Star State Bank Checks after Monday, October 28, 2024.

Telephone Banking Service Fastline

Prosperity Bank provides access to deposit accounts through Fastline. Prosperity’s 24-hour audio response system will be available Monday, October 28, 2024. This free service will allow you to obtain account information, transfer funds between your deposit accounts, determine if a particular check has cleared your account, and verify the date and amount of your deposits. The Fastline Telephone number is (800) 687-7272.

If you are currently using Lone Star State Bank's Telephone Banking VRU, your account access PIN will consist of your birth month (two digits) and the last two digits of your Tax ID Number, creating a four-digit Fastline PIN. For instance, if you were born in January and the last two digits of your Tax ID are 23, your resulting Fastline PIN would be 0123. For security purposes, please change your PIN upon first use of the Fastline system, but not later than November 30 to remain an active Fastline user. Those who are not using Lone Star State Bank's Telephone Banking VRU can establish a Fastline PIN after October 28 by contacting us at (800) 531-1401 or by visiting a local banking center.

If you would like to explore other account options or have questions regarding your banking relationship, please stop by your local banking center or call (800) 531-1401. A friendly, knowledgeable associate will be happy to help you. If you have any other accounts with Lone Star State Bank, you will receive a separate notice regarding each account.

Important Merger Dates

With the merger of Lone Star State Bank and Prosperity Bank, there will be many important dates to keep in mind. Please see the table below for more information and be sure to check back regularly for new updates.

 *This schedule is for Lone Star Online Banking customers that are being converted to Treasury Center Online Banking

Merger Schedule
Secure Browser Friday, October 25th All Day- To complete the Secure Browser installation, you will receive an email link on October 25 with your Activation Key. This Activation Key is to be used on Monday, October 28 to complete your Secure browser installation.
Business Online Banking Friday, October 25th 4:00 P.M.- Prior to Oct 25: You will need to download and save information you would like to retain past conversion. You will also need to complete the installation of Prosperity's Secure Browser.
Business Mobile Banking Friday, October 25th 4:00 P.M.- Download the orange Prosperity Business and Treasury app from the app store. Face ID may be enabled for added convenience.
ACH Thursday, October 24th 4:00 P.M.- Save and download recurring information as history will not convert. To ensure your ACH templates convert, please confirm none of your payees are placed on hold. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee your ACH templates will transfer.
Bill Pay Friday, October 25th 4:00 P.M.- We recommend that all Bill Pay customers save a copy of payees.
Wires Friday, October 25th 3:00 P.M.- Save and download any recurring information as history will not convert and activity will need to be reestablished in Treasury Center.
Positive Pay Monday, October 28th All Day- It is recommended you save a copy of your Check Issue files.
RDC Friday, October 25th 4:00 P.M.- An email providing the new URL along with instructions for changing the passwords and other details will be sent to each RDC user prior to conversion.

Bank Closures & Relocations

Below is a list of Lone Star locations that will be closing or relocating to a nearby Prosperity Bank banking center. All locations will close on Friday, October 25, 2024 (at 2:00 p.m.), and will reopen (in the new location) on Monday, October 28, 2024. Please see the table below for more information.

Bank Relocations
1004 N Big Spring Ste. 100
Midland, TX 79701
will be closing and relocating to: 509 W. Wall Street
Midland, TX 79701
301 W Main St
Brownfield, TX 79316
will be closing and relocating to: 1323 Tahoka Rd
Brownfield, TX 79316
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